09 March 2013

Spring Things

Tomorrow morning I'll be rising early to lead an early spring walk at Potteric Carr (although I don't think the weather is going to be very spring-like...). I've been researching lots of spring facts and here are some of resources I've come across. The Woodland Trust loads of fantastic spotter sheets on their nature detectives website, and I found one on first signs of spring and on blossoms and catkins.

Looking into different trees, I was trying to remember the name of the French liqueur made with the early leaves from blackthorn - and I found this article on the Guardian on how to make epine. I'll drop in the fact about the cyanide in the leaves giving the drink it's almond flavour!

The BBC's nature webpages have some good information on hibernation. I've come across this website on British Butterflies before and I find the calendar to search which species can be seen each month. Here's what you might see in March. Bat Conservation Trust have a good article on a year in the life of a bat.

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