09 March 2013

Milk Bottle Planters project

milk bottle planters

I love making things out of rubbish! I got the idea of making recycled planters that could be hung around my community garden site, with herbs and other things growing in them.

I got lots of inspiration by looking at similar projects online. This one by artist Hayley Fern is particularly good!

I'd been asked to do a plant pot painting session so I thought I'd get crafty with some milk bottles. We painted a few but I'd like to quite a lot of planters like this to go at the Secret Garden and around the area.

Here are a couple that I've painted up to look like strawberries, which I hope will be fixed onto a wall to form part of a community mural.

milk bottle plant pot recycling

1 comment:

  1. See a post on next steps and improvements here:

